Sunday, February 3, 2013

Upcoming Reviews for February

(Please click above to see the complete list.)

These are the shows that I plan to review this month:

Feb. 2    All in the Timing (Primary Stages)
Feb. 5    Really Really (MCC)
Feb. 10  The Madrid (Manhattan Theatre Club)
Feb. 12  The Dance and the Railroad (Signature)
Feb. 15  The Luck of the Irish (LCT3)
Feb. 17  Old Hats (Signature)
Feb. 20  Cinderella (Broadway)
Feb. 24  The Flick (Playwrights Horizons)
Feb. 26  The Lying Lesson (Atlantic)
Feb. 28  Talley's Folly (Roundabout)

I have heard that a few who have tried to send a comment were confused by the "Comment as" dialog box. If you have opened the full review, you should see a place to "Add Comment" at the bottom of the review. Type your comment in the box provided. Click to open the "Comment as" dialog box and select "Anonymous." This defies logic, but in no way prevents you from including your name in your comment. Then hit the "Publish" button and your comment should go through without difficulty. I hope this explanation will stimulate more comments.

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